Lymphedema: How Physical Therapy Can Help


The lymphatic system is part of the circulatory system; it collects and transports fluids from all tissues of the body back to the venous system, absorbs and transports fatty acids from the digestive system, and plays an important role in the immune system. Components of the lymphatic system are located throughout the body.

Lymphedema is an abnormal build-up of protein-rich fluid under the skin. It can be classified as primary or secondary. Primary lymphedema is hereditary or congenital. Secondary lymphedema is caused by a trauma to the lymphatic system. It can develop when lymph vessels are damaged or lymph nodes are removed, often due to radiation, cancer removal, and infection. Swelling can result when there is a blockage in the lymphatic system that prevents the normal drainage of fluid by the system. It is a common, progressive, and serious condition.

What are symptoms of lymphedema?

  • Aching or feeling of heaviness in the arm or leg

  • Swelling in the extremities, including the fingers and toes

  • Mobility limitations

  • Skin and nail changes

  • Repeated infections

How does physical therapy treat lymphedema? 

  • Manual Lymphatic Drainage

  • Compression Therapy

  • Skin Care

  • Decongestive Exercises

These four components are collectively known as Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT). Manual lymphatic drainage is a hands-on technique that improves the flow of lymph fluid in the body. Compression bandaging helps to reduce swelling of the affected area. The physical therapist also develops a customized exercise program to move fluid through the lymphatic system and increase the patient’s fitness without straining the affected limb. In addition, the therapist provides the patient and the family with education and training on self-management of the disease process and offers ongoing support.

A certified lymphedema physical therapist is an important component of the medical team managing the condition. At Mangiarelli Rehabilitation, our physical therapy assistant, Sue, is a certified lymphedema specialist. Call today to schedule your appointment and take a step toward health and relief! 


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