Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Physical Therapy Blog
Why Physical Therapy is Essential After ACL Reconstruction Surgery
Physical therapy is essential following an ACL injury and reconstruction surgery to regain function, strength, and mobility in the knee and return to sport safely. The ACL provides stability to the knee and controls complex motion of the knee. It is commonly injured during sports activities when an athlete makes a quick change of direction or speed with the foot firmly planted. ACL injuries are commonly treated with ACL reconstruction surgery followed by an extensive rehabilitation program. A physical therapist works with the injured athlete to regain function and strength in the knee before progressing the athlete through a return to sport protocol.
Tips to Minimize Your Risk of ACL Injury
Check out our tips to minimize your risk of ACL injury! Preventing ACL injury saves an athlete from physical trauma, an interrupted sports season, and intensive rehabilitation. ACL injuries are most common in sports that involve pivoting, landing, and sudden changes in direction. Sports medicine physical therapists can design ACL injury prevention programs for athletes that include strengthening exercises, balance and agility drills, and jumping and landing technique training