Tips for Setting Smart Health Goals

As we prepare to enter the new year, it’s the perfect time to set realistic goals for a healthier, happier 2022 using the SMART goal-setting framework. Too often, we set undefined and unsustainable resolutions that die out by February. Instead, we propose crafting a plan of smaller steps to achieve goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. Recent research has shown that it can take up to 60 days to form a solid habit; setting doable smaller goals that you can consistently achieve over time to build a habit is essential.

What are SMART goals?

The SMART acronym stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timebound. Below, we will outline how to create one SMART goal.

S: Specific: A specific goal is clear and precise. Define the goal, how you want to accomplish it, and why the goal is important.

  • Clear, defined goal: Run a half marathon in 2022. [Even more specific: 10K Panerathon in August 2022]

  • How to Accomplish: Develop a consistent training program, specify the distance you want to run, and when in your calendar you will set aside time to train.

  • Why: Because you want to get back in shape and give back to others.

M: Measurable: A measurable goal tracks your progress to monitor how you are moving forward in achieving your goal and helps you be more consistent.

  • Measuring Progress: Log distance run each day and each week in a notebook or app. Use a fitness tracker to track your movement, runs, and health.

A: Attainable: An attainable goal means a goal that is achievable within your current ability and can realistically be accomplished within a reasonable timeframe. Don’t try to set an extreme goal, such as running a half marathon with just one month of training. Acknowledge your current ability and plan out the training you would need to do to prepare your body to be able to run a half marathon safely and well.

R: Relevant: A relevant goal is one that is pertinent and important to your life as it is now, not what you think that you “should” do. A relevant goal is a goal that you have the time and resources to accomplish. In terms of the goal of running a half marathon, assess whether you have the time and capacity to commit to daily training runs. Be realistic about whether you can complete the necessary training by May or August. If not, reassess the goal and set one that may be more doable for you, such as training for a half marathon in November instead.

T:Timebound: A time-bound goal means a goal that has a set date for when you want to reach that goal. It’s important to give yourself a reasonable amount of time to achieve your goal and break it down into smaller goals you can accomplish in shorter periods of time.

  • Long-term timebound goal: Run a half marathon by August.

  • Short-term timebound goal: Run a set number of miles in a set amount of time by March, May, and July.

Smart Health Goal Ideas

Here are 8 ideas for health & fitness-focused goals in 2022:

  1. Take a daily 30-minute walk. A daily walk increases your cardiovascular fitness, strengthens your bones, and boosts muscle power and endurance.

  2. Incorporate more whole foods and greens into your diet. Focus on adding veggies to each meal and fill your plate with 50% vegetables, 25% protein, and 25% of fiber-rich carbohydrates.

  3. Get quality sleep. Getting 7-9 hours of sleep is essential, as sleep deprivation increases the risk of weight gain, heart disease, and depression. Decrease screen time before bed, cut back on caffeine, and go to bed at a regular time.

  4. Eat breakfast daily, adding protein and greens to your breakfast. This fuels your body properly at the start of the day, helps you maintain concentration, and increases metabolism.

  5. Cut back on sweetened beverages like sodas. Replace with sparkling water or green, herbal, or rooibos tea.

  6. Spend more time outdoors, taking a daily outdoor walk or hiking as a family. Time in nature relieves stress, elevates your mood, and lowers blood pressure.

  7. Make a weekly meal plan of whole foods, vegetables, and quality protein and meal prep to maintain a nutritious diet.

  8. Consider a program of physical therapy to improve your mobility, balance, strength, and endurance under the guidance of a licensed movement expert. 

As you look forward to 2022 and dream up your resolutions for this coming year, remember to set SMART goals to achieve the changes you want in the new year!


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