Lymphedema Treatment at Mangiarelli Rehabilitation


Lymphedema is a condition that results in chronic swelling due to an abnormal collection of fluid just below the skin, limiting mobility and causing aching in the affected limb. Physical therapy provides effective treatment and management of lymphedema through complete decongestive therapy. In today’s blog, Mangiarelli Rehabilitation Certified Lymphedema Therapist, Sue, explains what lymphedema is and how it is treated through complete decongestive therapy (CDT).

What is Lymphedema?

The lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins and waste. The lymphatic system transports lymph throughout the body, which is a fluid containing infection-fighting white blood cells. The lymphatic system is made up of lymphatic vessels that are connected to lymph nodes, where the lymph is filtered. The lymph nodes work as filters to fight infection and regulate swelling.

Lymphedema is an abnormal collection of fluid (edema) just below the skin that commonly occurs in the arm, leg, hands, or feet. It can develop when lymph vessels are damaged from radiation or infection or when lymph nodes have been removed due to cancer treatment, radiation, and surgery. Lymphedema results in chronic swelling that can lead to tissue inflammation and swelling that can make the body part feel heavier and tender to touch.

Symptoms of lymphedema include:

  • Aching or feeling of heaviness in the affected limb

  • Repeated infections

  • Swelling in the arms, legs, hands, or feet

  • Pitting in the tissues of the limb

  • Mobility limitations

  • Joint pain

  • Skin that feels tighter, harder, or thicker than normal

Complete Decongestive Therapy Treatment for Lymphedema

Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT) is considered the gold standard in the treatment of lymphedema. Studies have shown that CDT is effective in reducing the volume of swelling in the affected limb as well as enhancing the function of the limb, improving quality of life, and greater mobility. A study focused on breast-cancer related lymphedema revealed that CDT was effective in reducing pain and heaviness, improving arm and shoulder mobility, and reducing the volume of the swelling in the patients.

Complete Decongestive Therapy involves four components. All or some of these four components may be used to treat a patient with lymphedema depending on their specific conditions and needs.

Complete Decongestive Therapy includes:

  • Manual lymphatic drainage to remove excess fluid from the affected area

  • Compression bandaging to prevent fluid from returning

  • Customized decongestive exercise program to improve lymph circulation and maximize functional ability

  • Education about the condition, ways to reduce risk, and self-management techniques

A certified lymphedema therapist can treat acute lymphedema and help patients continue to manage lymphedema throughout their lifetime both through in-person treatment, a home exercise program, and self-management techniques.

Mangiarelli Rehabilitation certified lymphedema therapist, Sue, explains what lymphedema is and how complete decongestive therapy works in the video below.


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